

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 30th Festival of Tuscany

We would like to share with you this interesting opportunity to people, who will be in the area of Florence tomorrow, but also to those who are planning a trip in the future (who knows you might get lucky and visit this beauty).

Friday, November 30, 2012
The Large Cloister of Santa Maria Novella was built
in the 14th century, thanks to the generosity of a few noble Florentine families, and is decorated by a fresco cycle depicting the Life of St. Dominic and of other Dominican saints, executed between 1570 and 1590 by over 15 painters from the Accademia. Since 1920, it has been part of the Marshalls and Sergeants School of the Carabinieri and is normally closed to the public, but is viewable on the occasion of special openings and of community festivities. Access to the Large Cloister is included in the entrance ticket to the Museum of Santa Maria Novella.

Location: Museum of Santa Maria Novella, Piazza della Stazione 4, Florence

Just a reminder about our history. Tuscany officially joined Italy in 1961 after an election, so there were no battles required like with the Kingdom of Naples or the Vatican State. Until that time there was the Great-dukedome of Tuscany, the first state ever to revoke capital punishment. We're proud of our heritage and proud to share it with people who come to visit.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wine exhibition "Vino tra mito e storia".

Hello there lovers of wine, of beautiful landscape, art, history and traditions. Out here the autumn is raw, pouring rain and all. But let's not forget about beauty. The exhibition that will be on until May 5th 2013 in several museums around Siena might help in this hard winter times. It's an exhibition that connects wine with the history of Siena. Let's not forget that Brunello, Chianti and Nobile di Montepulciano all come from this area, so if you like red, you need to know all about them.

Click here for more info, and... see you 'round!