

Monday, January 10, 2011

End of Christmas Holidays

In Italy we have a saying "L'Epifania tutte le feste si porta via", which in English reads "Epiphany steals all the holidays away". And this is very true because the 6th of January was the last holiday on our calendar. We won't have any of them until next Easter, in 4 months time. Because of this, the cities and towns of Italy have gone back to the "normal" routine, and this is the best time to visit us.

Another plus are sales! From the 7th of January all cities in Italy have officially started sales which go from 30 to 50 or even 70% off. No need to say that you shouldn't miss this opportunity of visiting a city that's free from the numerous tourists and with lots of bargains to look for.

Why not visit our website at to get some ideas of the places you can visit?

Also, stay tuned for calendars on the winter events in Tuscany and Umbria!

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